Review | Artemis Fowl

Artemis Fowl review: Disney Plus removes the criminal but keeps ...

The son of a collector of rare and exotic artifacts is tasked with rescuing his father from a mysterious villain.

Review 20 by Flytrap

Artemis Fowl

Written by: Conor McPherson, Hamish McColl, From the novel by Eoin Colfer

Directed by: Kenneth Branagh

Starring: Ferdia Shaw, Josh Gad, Lara McDonnell, Colin Farrell, Judi Dench
Complete cast and crew are here

Rated PG
Running time: 95 Mins

In order to rescue his father, he must find, The Aculos”, while fighting off fairies, trolls and a rather disgusting dwarf.

The main problem I had with this was that all of the characters were one-dimensional, cardboard and dry.; there was no one very interesting except for the dwarf. A waste of Judi Dench, who tries her best, but cannot overcome the material. The special effects, while adequate, were not very engaging. Finally, the story itself, which involved fairies using holograms and computers was not particularly…enchanting.

I’d recommend you give this one a pass. There are no post-credit scenes.

Flytrap rating: 4/10

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