Review | Morbius



A doctor with a debilitating disease finds a cure that might be worse than the malady.

Review 2022 by Flytrap


Written by: Matt Sazama, Burk Sharpless

Directed by: Daniel Espinosa

Starring: Jared Leto, Matt Smith, Adria Arjona, Jared Harris, Tyrese Gibson, Al Madrigal
Complete cast and crew are HERE

Rated PG-13
Running time: 103 Mins

With a promise to his childhood friend, who has the same disease, Morbius tests the serum he makes on himself, which turns him into a living vampire!  When someone else steals the cure and becomes more of a monster, Morbius must stop him.

This is a by-the-numbers superhero-comic book movie, but of lot it it does count up. Leto is a little bland as Morbius, but Matt Smith brings it as the friend turned enemy. The score is decent and the action and special effects are satisfactory enough.

Not great, by any means, but I enjoyed it and it least it’s not three hours long. A good matinee movie, for sure. There are a couple of late scenes, but nothing more after the credits start to roll.

Flytrap rating: 7/10

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