Review | Deadpool 2

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After surviving a near fatal bovine attack, a disfigured cafeteria chef (Wade Wilson) struggles to fulfill his dream of becoming Mayberry’s hottest bartender while also learning to cope with his lost sense of taste. Searching to regain his spice for life, as well as a flux capacitor, Wade must battle ninjas, the yakuza, and a pack of sexually aggressive canines, as he journeys around the world to discover the importance of family, friendship, and flavor – finding a new taste for adventure and earning the coveted coffee mug title of World’s Best Lover.

(OK, not really; that’s the studio’s blurb.)


Review 2018 by Flytrap

Deadpool 2

Written by: Rhett Reese, Paul Wernick, Ryan Reynolds

Directed by: David Leitch

Starring: Ryan Reynolds, Josh Brolin, Morena Baccarin, T.J. Miller, Zazie Beetz
Complete cast and crew are here

Rated R
Running time: 120 Min

So what really happens is a time-travelling super-soldier is determined to kill a mutant kid and our favorite Merc With A Mouth decides to stop him. Shenanigans occur.

I think that this is the most entertaining movie I’ve seen so far this year, with plenty of laughs and carnage enough to sate most appetites. The genre references come rapid fire, sometimes maybe too fast to catch everything. (Dubstep? I did have to look that up.) My only real complaint is that they still didn’t get Juggernaut right, but close enough, I suppose.

I highly recommend this one. The lively language and the murderous tone might make you want to consider leaving the small kids at home, but teenagers have probably seen worse. There are a couple of mid-credit scenes that are excellent, but nothing after those.

Flytrap rating: 9/10

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