Review | Get Out

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A young man and his girlfriend visit her parents for a nice weekend in the country. Things get weird.

Review 2017 by Flytrap

Get Out

Written by:Jordan Peele

Directed by:Jordan Peele

Starring:Daniel Kaluuya, Allison Williams, Bradley Whitford, Betty Gabriel, Stephen Root
Complete Cast and crew here

Rated R
Running time: 104 Mins

When you want a quiet, relaxing weekend in the country, why not go visit your white girlfriend’s family — who don’t know you’re black?

What I really liked about this film is that it gets weird very quickly, then gets tense, then hilarious and bounds back and forth between moods seamlessly. I was laughing almost as much as I was wide-eyed terrified. And the race card is played here, but it’s played more like a full house, rather than a flush.

I really have no complaints. I felt a bit uncomfortable with the racial overtones, but I acknowledge that this was intentional, just doing its job.

I’ll recommend this one, but leave the smaller kids at home; it does get a bit gruesome. There are no post credit scenes, so you can…well, you know.

Flytrap rating:  8/10

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