Review: Captain Phillips

Review 2013 by RD Clark


Captain Phillips

Written by: Billy Ray

Directed by: Paul Greengrass

Starring: Tom Hanks, Barkhad Abdi, Barkhad Abdirahman, Faysal Ahmed, Mahat M. Ali, Michael Chernus, Corey Johnson, David Warshofsky

Rated PG-13
Running time: 133 mins

When a cargo ship is attacked and taken by Somali pirates, the Captain tries to cope with a situation for which no training is sufficient.

If nothing else, this film shows what a top-notch actor that Tom Hanks is. The direction is taut and when it goes, never loses the suspense. Abdi carries his role as the “Captain” of the pirates rather subtly, in contrast to his rather over-the top-comrade, as they try to figure out how to get through the complications and make the big bucks they came for. Beautiful cinematography made me feel like I was there. All in all, everyone in this did a bang-up job.

However, major points off for way too much shaky cam, which was so distracting at times that I lost a bit of the narrative due to crossed eyes. And the pirates’ backstory was a little lacking in substance; I would have liked to know more.

All in all, though, great movie and Hanks should get an Oscar nomination for this. You could take the kids, I think; not really gory and it is a mild PG-13. No post credit scenes; sail away to the loo when they start.

Flytrap rating: 8.5 /10

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