Review: Argo

Review 2012 by RD Clark





Written by: Chris Terrio

Directed by: Ben Affleck

Starring: Ben Affleck, Alan Arkin, John Goodman, Bryan Cranston, Victor Garber,

Rated R mainly for a lot of F-Bombs
Running time: 120 mins

During the Iranian Revolution in 1979, a group of students breaks into the American Embassy and take the diplomats hostage. During the confusion, six Americans slip out and end up at the home of the Canadian Ambassador. Time is running out for them, so the CIA comes up with the “Best Bad Idea” they can.

This is the best movie I’ve seen all year and Ben Affleck deserves the credit. Not for his acting (Bryan Cranston and Alan Arkin lift the heavy weights here) which is serviceable, but for directing one of the most suspenseful, breath-holding, knuckle-tightening movies you will ever see. The screenplay, by Chris Terrio, manages all of the diverse parts of the conspiracy perfectly and Affleck controls the action like a maestro.

My only reservations are the almost stereo-typical personifications of the Iranians, all fanatic and terrifying. Well, maybe they were. And for what is supposed to be a drama based on a true event, the facts were rather over-embellished for the sake of drama, and the Canadians’ involvement was underplayed (objections to which prompted Affleck to add a comment at the end).

Still, this is an Oscar-worthy film, and I expect we’ll see nominations for Best Supporting Actor (Arkin and Cranston), Best Director (Affleck) and maybe Best Picture. There are some images that roll with the credits worth watching, but no post-credit scenes. Give this one a view, I predict you will not be sorry.

Flytrap rating: 9 /10

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