Review: Looper

Review 2012 by RD Clark




Written by: Rian Johnson

Directed by: Rian Johnson

Starring: Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Bruce Willis, Emily Blunt, Jeff Daniels, Pierce Gagnon

Rated R
Running time: 118 minutes

In the near future, an organization of assassins, called Loopers, dispose of people for mobsters from 30 years in their future. One of these, Joe (Gordon-Levitt) is on a roll, with a bright future until one of his assignments (Willis) turns out to be a little more feisty than usual and gets away. With his own grim agenda, Joe-from-the future must confront the past in order to rescue the future.

This movie is a slam dunk. Excellent performances from everyone and a director who knows how to build, sustain and release tension just about perfectly. The time travel paradoxes are flouted rather than shied from, a unique approach here that creates its own paradigm. And no freaking shaky cam.

Some minor quibbles: I just could not figure out why the future mobsters use such a risky arrangement. Why not kill their victims first, then just ship the bodies back for burial? Or have them materialize a mile over the ocean? And why close out their own team? If I knew what could happen to me, would I have the cojones to pull the trigger on myself? Would you? Why not use another Looper and not tell you?

Regardless of my petty squabbles, this was a great ride and I do look forward to more from Rian Johnson. No post-credit scenes, so when the credits roll, so can you.

Flytrap rating: 8 /10

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